Can you play this game on the Epic Games launcher?

How to Check if a Game is Available on the Epic Games Store


Discover how to check game availability on the Epic Games Store using methods like the official website, Epic Games Launcher, "Free Games" section, gaming news, and community forums. Find your favorite games and explore new titles on the Epic Games Store platform.

available Epic Games Store
Is your game available to play on the Epic Games Store? | © Valve

Visit the official Epic Games Store website and use the search bar to find the game you're interested in. If the game appears in the search results, it means it's available on the Epic Games Store.

Epic Games Launcher

Open the Epic Games Launcher on your computer and use the search function to look for the game. If the game is available on the platform, you'll find it listed in the store.

Free Games Section

Browse the "Free Games" section on the Epic Games Store. While this section primarily features free games, it also highlights temporarily free or discounted games, indicating their availability on the store.

Gaming News and Announcements

Keep an eye on gaming news and announcements, as Epic Games frequently promotes new releases and exclusive titles on their platform. Stay informed to discover exciting games on the Epic Games Store.

Community Forums

Engage in Epic Games Store community forums, where fellow gamers discuss game releases and availability. Other users can provide valuable insights and updates about the games you're looking for.

Verifying game availability on the Epic Games Store is essential for gamers seeking their favorite titles. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and you'll have no trouble discovering and enjoying a plethora of games on the Epic Games Store platform.

Get ready to explore and play exciting games on the Epic Games Store!