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How to Play with Reinhardt Like a Pro in Overwatch 2


Learn how to become a formidable Reinhardt player in Overwatch 2! Master barrier management, earthshatter tactics, and effective team coordination to lead your team to success and protect your allies like a pro in this expert guide.

Reinhardt Overwatch 2
Become a master of Overwatch 2 with Reinhardt! | © Blizzard

Welcome to the frontline of Overwatch 2! In this guide, we'll explore the strategies and techniques that will elevate your Reinhardt gameplay to a professional level. As the stalwart shield of your team, learn how to lead the charge, protect your allies, and make game-changing plays with Reinhardt.

1. Understanding Reinhardt's Role

Reinhardt is the quintessential tank, providing a massive barrier and frontline presence. Discover how to effectively shield your team, initiate team fights, and create space for your allies to secure victory.

2. Mastering Barrier Management

Learn the art of managing Reinhardt's Barrier Field. Know when to hold it up to protect your team and when to lower it to allow for quick cooldown recovery.

3. Pinning and Shattering Opportunities

Maximize Reinhardt's impact by mastering his Charge ability. Look for opportunities to pin key enemy heroes or disrupt the enemy formation. Additionally, learn how to land powerful Earthshatters to turn the tide of battle.

4. Effective Team Coordination

Communication is crucial when playing Reinhardt. Coordinate with your team to execute well-timed engagements, combine ultimates effectively, and capitalize on your earthshatter opportunities.

5. Map Awareness and Positioning

Reinhardt tank
Reinhardt works in the role of tank for your team. | © Blizzard

Understand the importance of map awareness and positioning as Reinhardt. Utilize cover to manage your barrier's health and position yourself optimally for successful earthshatters.

6. Countering and Adaptation

Recognize threats that can negate your barrier or bypass it entirely. Adapt your playstyle and positioning to counter specific enemy compositions and maintain your effectiveness as Reinhardt.

7. Shield-Hopping and Fire Strike Usage

Master the technique of shield-hopping to move swiftly while still maintaining your barrier's protection. Additionally, learn how to land effective Fire Strikes to build ultimate charge and put pressure on the enemy team.

8. Tips and Tricks from the Pros

Gain valuable insights from top Reinhardt players:

  • Use Fire Strike to finish off low-health targets or confirm eliminations during team fights.
  • Practice corner pinning to surprise and eliminate enemy heroes without overextending.
  • Coordinate with your off-tank to create devastating combos, such as Graviton Surge and Earthshatter.
  • Be aware of your Barrier Field's health and communicate with your team to initiate or disengage as needed.

By following this comprehensive guide, you'll be a formidable force as Reinhardt in Overwatch 2. Lead your team with your impenetrable shield, secure crucial eliminations with well-timed charges, and shatter the enemy's defenses to secure victory on the battlefield.