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Rammus Guide for LoL: How to Play the Armordillo Like a Pro in League of Legends


Learn how to play Rammus like a pro in League of Legends! Our comprehensive guide covers Rammus's abilities, best items, runes, teamfighting strategies, and more, empowering you to become a formidable Armordillo on the Summoner's Rift!

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Become a master of LoL with this Rammus guide! | © Riot Games

Rammus is the resilient and engaging tank champion of League of Legends. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore Rammus's unique abilities, recommended items, optimal runes, teamfighting strategies, and more. By the end, you'll be rolling through the Summoner's Rift as a Rammus expert!

Rammus Guide for LoL: How to Play the Armordillo Like a Pro in League of Legends

Rammus Guide: Abilities

  • Passive - Spiked Shell: Rammus's passive deals damage to attackers, making him formidable in duels and skirmishes.
  • Q - Powerball: Powerball allows Rammus to engage enemies with a rolling charge, dealing damage and slowing foes he collides with.
  • W - Defensive Ball Curl: This ability significantly boosts Rammus's defenses, reflecting damage back to attackers and increasing his resistances.
  • E - Frenzying Taunt: Frenzying Taunt taunts a target enemy, forcing them to attack Rammus. It's a game-changer in teamfights.
  • R - Soaring Slam: Rammus's ultimate ability causes area-of-effect damage and slows enemies, making it a potent tool for disruption.

Best Runes for Rammus

Optimal runes for Rammus include the Resolve primary path with Aftershock, Demolish, Conditioning, and Unflinching. In the secondary path, Precision offers Triumph and Legend: Tenacity, enhancing his survivability and tenacity.

Best Items for Rammus

Rammus excels with tanky and engaging items. Sunfire Aegis is a core choice, providing both damage and durability. Thornmail punishes attackers with grievous wounds, while Dead Man's Plate enhances his mobility and engage potential. Adaptive Helm is valuable against magic damage-heavy teams.

Rammus Guide: Strategies

Rammus Guide league of legends
Rammus Guide: The Armordillo! | © Riot Games

Playing Rammus effectively revolves around initiation and disruption. Your Powerball (Q) ability is a fantastic tool to engage teamfights or catch out-of-position enemies. Rolling into the enemy team and activating Defensive Ball Curl (W) ensures you're a formidable tank.

Frenzying Taunt (E) is your key crowd control ability. Use it on high-threat enemies or priority targets to disrupt their damage output. Coordinating your taunts with your team's follow-up is essential for securing kills.

Teamfighting and Positioning

Rammus's role in teamfights is to be a frontline tank and disruptor. Roll into the enemy team with Powerball, knocking them up and slowing them with Soaring Slam (R). Follow up by activating Defensive Ball Curl to mitigate incoming damage.

Positioning is crucial; you want to draw the enemy team's attention while your carries deal damage from the backline. Ensure you're taunting high-damage threats with Frenzying Taunt to protect your team effectively.

Rammus's unique blend of tankiness, crowd control, and mobility makes him a formidable force on the Rift. By mastering his abilities, runes, and itemization, you can become a pro Rammus player, rolling your way to victory and carrying your team to success!