Renekton Guide for LoL: How to Play the Butcher of the Sands Like a Pro in League of Legends

Renekton Guide for LoL: How to Play the Butcher of the Sands Like a Pro in League of Legends


Unleash the fury of Renekton in League of Legends! Our comprehensive guide covers Renekton's abilities, best items, runes, laning strategies, and more, equipping you to dominate the top lane as the Butcher of the Sands on the Summoner's Rift!

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Become a master of LoL with this Renekton guide! | © Riot Games

Renekton, the Butcher of the Sands, is a fierce top lane champion in League of Legends known for his aggressive playstyle. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into Renekton's unique abilities, recommended items, optimal runes, laning strategies, and more. By the end, you'll be ready to dominate the top lane as Renekton!

Renekton Guide for LoL: How to Play the Butcher of the Sands Like a Pro in League of Legends


  • Passive - Reign of Anger: Renekton gains Fury with his abilities, enhancing them when Fury is at maximum.
  • Q - Cull the Meek: Renekton's Q is a damaging ability that also provides sustain, making it crucial for trading and wave clear.
  • W - Ruthless Predator: This ability empowers Renekton's next basic attack, stunning his target. Properly using this ability is key to winning trades.
  • E - Slice and Dice: Renekton's E is a dash that allows him to engage or escape. It's versatile for engaging or dodging enemy abilities.
  • R - Dominus: Renekton's ultimate ability grants him health, damage, and an aura that damages nearby enemies. It's a game-changing ability in teamfights.

Best Runes for Renekton

For Renekton, the optimal rune setup includes the Precision primary path with Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, and Last Stand. In the secondary path, Resolve with Second Wind and Unflinching provides additional durability in the top lane.

Top Items for Renekton

Renekton benefits from a mix of items that amplify his survivability and damage-dealing potential. Here are some key items to consider:

  • Sunfire Aegis: This mythic item offers bonus health, armor, and the Immolate passive that deals damage to nearby enemies. It amplifies Renekton's durability and provides consistent area damage in teamfights. It's an excellent starting choice.
  • Ravenous Hydra: Renekton synergizes well with lifesteal, and Ravenous Hydra provides both lifesteal and bonus attack damage. Its active ability, Crescent, enhances his wave-clearing capabilities and overall damage output.
  • Sterak's Gage: For added survivability and a boost in damage, Sterak's Gage is a solid choice. It grants bonus health, attack damage, and the Lifeline passive, which can save Renekton in clutch moments by providing a shield when he takes a large amount of damage.
  • Black Cleaver: This item provides Renekton with bonus attack damage, health, and cooldown reduction. Its passive, Rage, helps him shred enemies' armor, making it easier for him and his team to deal more damage in teamfights.

These items are core choices for Renekton, but adapt your build to the specific game circumstances. If you're ahead, consider more offensive items, while if you're behind or facing a heavy crowd control (CC) team, opt for more defensive items.

Laning Strategies

Renekton Guide league of legends
Renekton Guide: The Butcher of the Sands! | © Riot Games

Playing Renekton effectively requires a balance between aggressive and cautious strategies. Here are some key tips:

  • Lane Dominance: Renekton is a renowned lane bully. Use your Q, Cull the Meek, to harass your lane opponent while healing up. Timing is crucial; try to hit both your opponent and minions to maximize healing.
  • Manage Fury: Renekton's Fury resource enhances his abilities. Try to engage fights with high Fury to maximize your abilities' impact. Use your empowered W, Ruthless Predator, during trades for additional damage and stuns.
  • Warding and Map Awareness: Always keep an eye on the minimap. Place wards strategically to avoid ganks, as Renekton can be vulnerable when his abilities are on cooldown.
  • Roaming: Renekton's mobility with E, Slice and Dice, allows for roaming. After pushing your lane, consider ganking mid lane or assisting your jungler in invades.

Teamfighting and Positioning

Renekton excels as a frontline bruiser in teamfights. Proper positioning and timing are crucial:

  • Engaging: Activate your ultimate, Dominus, before diving into teamfights. The bonus health and area damage it provides make you a formidable presence. Aim to engage the enemy backline to disrupt their carries.
  • Peel and Zone: While Renekton can dive the enemy backline, he can also serve as a peeler for your team's carries. Use your abilities to stun and zone enemies, protecting your allies from harm.
  • Fury Management: In teamfights, balancing Fury management is essential. Use your empowered abilities strategically to maximize damage and control. Don't waste Fury on non-essential abilities.

Renekton's versatility in teamfights allows him to adapt to different scenarios. Whether you need to disrupt the enemy carries or protect your own, his kit provides the tools to make a significant impact.

Renekton's aggressive playstyle and versatile kit make him a top lane powerhouse. By mastering his abilities, runes, and itemization, you can become a pro Renekton player, dominating the top lane and leading your team to victory!